
Hong Phuc Dang
Mario Behling
FashionTec Berlin
Harish Pillay
Red Hat
Roland Turner
Justin Lee
Darwin Gosal
IT Services at Yale-NUS CollegeKeynote Speakers

Lennart Poettering
Developer of PulseAudio, Avahi, Systemd at RedHat
Lennart grew up in Brazil and Germany. He is well-known as the initiator, developer and maintainer of software projects, which have been widely adopted in many Linux distributions.

Vivian Balakrishnan
Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, SingaporeDr. Balakrishnan is the Minister-in-charge of the Smart Nation Initiative and known to be a maker and active user of twitter. He is a Member of Parliament (MP) for the governing party of Singapore. Balakrishnan studied medicine at NUS.

Colin Charles
MariaDB Chief EvangelistColin Charles is a businessman & into Open Source software. He is a consultant, technical architect, world traveller, and occasional writer.

Bunnie Huang
Open Hardware DeveloperBunnie's passion for hardware began in elementary school. Since then he has garnered a PhD at MIT in EE, and has designed nanophotonic silicon chips, wireless radios and robotic submarines. He helps to create Novena, an open-source hardware laptop, and Chibitronics, unconventional electronics e.g. using paper with circuit stickers.

Gen Kanai
Director of Asia Community Engagement, MozillaGen's responsibility for Mozilla is Asia, where he is working towards Mozilla's goal of the Open Web. He is als involved in localization and marketing. Prior to Mozilla, he has worked for Digital Garage, Sony and Toyota Motor. He is a mentor with 500 Startups, and a Japan chapter co-chair with H2.

loklak / CEO Yacy Search

Thu Mar 12
2:00pm Welcome Developers in town at RedHat Office
Singapore is the host for main offices of many Open Source companies in Asia. RedHat has one of its Asia-Pacific main offices in the city and welcomes the FOSSASIA community before the event start.
3:00pm Visit of Singapore
OneMakerGroup at National Design CenterLet's find out what the developer and maker community is doing in Singapore.
7:00pm Pre-Event Meetup : Singapore Steamboat followed by get together at Blujaz Cafe
Let's experience Singapore Hotpot at Beach Road near Bugis. Afterwards we walk over to a nice bar, when you have arrived in town.
Fri Mar 13
9:00am Welcome & Registration
Arrival of Speakers and Participants
9:30am - 12.15am Talks and Presentations on Open Source Technologies, Software, Hardware, Design
Developers, Designers and Hardware engineers will give the insights into latest trends and technologies
12:15pm - 1:15pm Lunch
Singapores exciting choices of food are available at restaurants and food courts at the conference area.
1:15pm - 4:30pm Talks and Presentations on Open Source Technologies, Software, Hardware and Open Design
Talks from speakers from around the world.
6:30pm - 10:30pm Social Event at Labrador Park
Enjoy yummy Singapore BBQ.
Sat Mar 14
9:00am Welcome, Breakfast & Registration
Arrival and Registration of Participants
This day we focus on hands-on learning and experience. Join us for workshops on using git, coding (Javascript, C++, PHP, Python and more) and open hardware workshops.
12.00pm - 1.00pmLunch
Singapores large choices of food from India, to Malay, Chinese, Indonesian and Western taste awaits us at local restaurants and hacker stalls nearby.
More hands-on learning with workshops from developers and engineers from around the world.
7:30pm - 11:00pm FOSSASIA Open Tech Community
Dessert, Snack & Pub CrawlLet's meet some locals and hangout with the Open Tech community. We will bring you to some nice Singapore pubs.
Sun Mar 15
9:00am Welcome, Breakfast & Registration
Arrival and Registration of Participants
This day we focus on hands-on learning and experience. Join us for workshops on using git, coding (Javascript, C++, PHP, Python and more) and open hardware workshops.
12.00pm - 1.00pmLunch
Singapores large choices of food from India, to Malay, Chinese, Indonesian and Western taste awaits us at local restaurants and hacker stalls nearby.
More hands-on learning with workshops from developers and engineers from around the world.
Let's relax, code, design, tinker and enjoy each others company at the end of a great weekend.
Detailed Schedule and Tracks

Open Technologies - Friday March 13 @Biopolis Matrix Auditorium
Join us on Friday March 13 at Biopolis near MRT Buona Vista and learn about new developments in software and hardware. Meet developers of Open Source knitting machines, Laptops that can send and receive on all frequencies, web technologies like Javascript, PHP, Ruby, HTML, Git, Android, FirefoxOS, Docker and much more.

OpenTech for Software and Hardware Makers - Sat/Sun NUS Plug-In@Blk71
A track dedicated to Open Source software and hardware takes place on Saturday March 14 and Sunday March 15 at the Startup Launchpad Campus in NUS Plug-In@Blk71 near MRT One North. We have sessions about customized hardware production, Arduino, Rapsberry PI, Open Design applications, the maker and hacker community.

Web Technologies - Sat/Sun ACE @Blk79 Launchpad

Python - Saturday March 15 @Silicon Straits Blk71
Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language, that is suitable both for beginners and advanced devs. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code.

Mozilla - Sat/Sun March 14/15 @JFDI Blk71
How to use Mozillas OpenWeb technologies for your software or hardware idea is the topic in the Mozilla track. Contributors from across the world show new technologies and applications for developers and beginners including Webmaker and Gaia.

DevOps - Sat/Sun March 14/15 @Singtel Innov8 Blk71
DevOps (development operations) is a software development method that stresses communication, collaboration (information sharing and web service usage), integration, automation and measurement of cooperation between software developers and other information-technology IT professionals. A dedicated tracks with participants from Silicon Valley and Japan is taking place at Singtel Innov8.
Workshops - Sat/Sun March 14/15 @NUS Plug-In Blk71
Let's get into the depth of it and learn about the latest web, mobile, desktop and hardware technologies in the FOSSASIA workshop track. As capacities for many workshops are limited, please also sign up for a workshop in the FOSSASIA Singapore meetup group.
Workshop PDF ScheduleSupporters, Moderators and Volunteers - Thank you!